Ananya! Ananya!! ANANYA! Wake up.
Hmmm... Arjun... I missed you... Idiot... Monkey... But... long...
Ananya continued to blabber in her sleep.
ANANYA! Wake up!! We’ll get late to the office.
She opened her eyes to the new dawn only to find Khushagra running all over the place.
We will be late we need to leave. Quick! Freshen up... Chief is waiting for us. We have this meeting... Remember! WAKE UP.
Khushagra kept talking as he packed the files, papers and stationary scattered in the hall. They remained there all night. Working on a pitch presentation wasn’t an easy task. They were sipping their favourite wine with a platter of cheese arguing, laughing, agreeing and preparing the most awaited presentation of their lives.
Ananya had dozed off on his shoulder while he was giving her the reasons to highlight the car features versus car brand name. He didn’t budge an inch since then. He let her sleep while he continued preparing the presentation on his MAC. When he was satisfied with the content he rested his head on hers and went off to sleep. Occasionally he stirred to her random blabbering in sleep. The same continued throughout the night. When he first heard Arjun’s name he pretty much understood what the dream was all about.
He loved her. And he didn’t feel the need to even hide it. His proposal was however brutally shot down. Ananya had finally found a confidant after 4 years. She finally trusted someone. But unfortunately she wasn’t in the same place – emotionally. Before he proposed he promised that nothing will change between them. He shall always be standing by her rock solid. And that’s what he did when she said a no.
You won't believe the dream I saw.
Ananya continued while trying to open her eyes.
Lemme guess. Arjun came back to Mumbai to meet you and you understood why did it all happen and he had an explanation of his own and you had yours. And you kept your point and ensured you were heard this time. And then you guys forgave each other and fell in love all over again. Right?
Khushagra finally stopped cleaning answer her.
Were you in my dream?
Ananya retorted and burst out laughing.
Ya kinda sorta. You kept blabbering the whole night. Joined the puzzle and voila! The story tentatively titled "Reconciled".
Khushagra dramatically made double quotes in air as he spoke. Ananya smirked with her usual 'whatever' look.
If madam has been entertained enough can we please get ready for the meeting before chief fires us.
Ananya nodded in agreement and made her move to the bathroom. Little did she know that Khushagra had already seen her eyes filled to the brim with tears between her giggles and smiles.
Here we go again. 4 years and 36th day. And she claims she's a very good actress. Hah!
Khushagra murmured under his breath.
Turn by turn they got ready and rushed to the office. The presentation went off well and chief was once again proud of his two stars. He mockingly always said
A deck of cards has just one ace of spades but mine has two.
K. Subramanian fondly called as Chief was the owner of the only Indian advertising agency in the country. Many came in to merge with his company but each was offered a cup of coffee and home baked cookies and then shown the door. This treatment was called the coffee-n-cookie, well known within the company and in the industry.
Conexion was a full service agency operated from 5 cities. Chief was known to have a hawk's eye. He knew things even when he wasn't around and could smell fresh talent from miles. He was particularly fond of Khushagra and Ananya - the aces of spades in his deck of cards. Their performance and passion reminded of him of his younger days. Neither had any interest of switching jobs, which was a rarity in this industry. He knew that. Often they came and told him how they gave the headhunters the coffee-n-cookie treatment. At age 59 and 60 right around the corner, the need to retire was lurking in his mind. He knew its going to be a grand celebration, a frill he didn't care too much about but he compiled to societal pressure.
Work was always called his extra marital affair. But post his wife's death he married work. Chief had no natural heir to his company, a regret with which his wife passed away. He never felt the need. Until now.
Amongst all these dimwits my two shining stars feel the same for the agency as I feel.
Chief thought as the presentation was to end. And that was the most important trait to him. He knew Ananya was emotionally not stable with all the Arjun baggage.
His eyes silently fell on him.
Khushagra noticed the stare while nodding to the client's feedback. He knew something was going on in chief's mind.
Is it too much responsibility at a very young age?
Chief remained lost in his thoughts.
The meeting concluded and chief invited the guests for a cup of coffee in his room. Ananya and Khushagra were the only ones left behind to pick up papers and start work on the next project in hand.
Something is going on in chief's mind.
Khushagra finally spoke after everyone left.
Yup! It seemed like he wasn't here. Lost in some thoughts.
Wonder what?
He'll tell us if it's important. I'll catch you in sometime. Lunch, my office!
Ya. Will meet you in your room.
Khushagra checked his watch.
11.05. Need to check if the creatives have dispatched.
Khushagra made a mental note.
Once he settled in his office he went through his email, files on his table, doing his regular office chores. On his desk was a picture in an ebony frame. It was a picture of Khushagra & Ananya from an office party sometime last year. Ananya was tipsy when Khushagra was helping her and the office photographer swooped in to capture the moment. Khushagra had his usual charming smile and Ananya was controlling the roar of laughter that continued after the picture was clicked.
This picture always put a smile on his face.
I haven't seen that bastard Arjun but I ever get my hands on him I swear to lord I'll wring his neck.
Khushagra thought as he held the frame in his hand.
I love her. But it isn't necessary for her to love me back. She loves Arjun. Period. What if...
His thoughts trailed as he looked at his desk clock. 2:03 P.M. it read.
What if I get in touch with Arjun and get him to talk to Ananya. I love her so much that I think I can do this. To put this smile on her face, Anything!
Khushagra kept the frame back to where it was.
Time for lunch.
His stomach howled. He made his way to Ananya's cabin. The usual knock and he entered to find Ananya clutching her phone in her hand and staring at it with teary eyes and disbelief.
Confused Khushagra asked.
Ananya slowly raised her eyes to meet Khushagra's.
Ira called. Never thought I would ever hear this.
Ananya burst out crying as Khushagra held her in his arms.
What happened?
Her voice got lost in sobs.
A tale of 2 couples 'living-in' in the city of Bengaluru. Corporates by profession its a twist of Friendships & Love. A story of their life!
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The Present
Just like a Bollywood movie, sepia toned flashback, Ananya imagined. She was packing when Arjun walked in with Sunaina after their visit from the lawyer. Arjun was blank for a moment not understanding what's happening.
Hey! Where you off to?
Oh, hi! I'm going to Mumbai! Chief has a great challenging project for me there. And he has specially recommended me for it. So ya!
Ananya was trying to sound excited to hide the turmoil within her.
Wow! Congrats. How did the coffee date go?
Arjun enquired with absolute no emotion in his voice.
Hmmm... It was great! Felt nice actually. I'm happy am going to Mumbai... Will be able to spend more time with him too.
Ananya was a pathetic liar. She was busy packing her eyes fixed on the clothes on her bed and the suitcase. One eye contact and Arjun would know meeting Neerav was nothing but a farace.
Arjun replied disheartened.
Sunaina realized she was an unwanted in the room. She had quietly slipped away during their conversation.
So, when you coming back?
He asked casually.
Ananya's throat choked, the lump didn't let her speak, tears welled up, she looked up to meet Arjun's confused eyes
Never! I'm settling there. Back in Mumbai. I'm thinking about Neerav and me. I think we gave up too soon...
She rambled, muttered and sobbed.
Arjun was dumbstruck. He felt as tough the whole ceiling came crashing down. A sudden rage of anger rose within him. He clenched his fists to control every bit of it.
When were you supposed it tell me?
I got to know yesterday... Chief called... So...
Ya right! Phone call, message, ping, mail... You didn't have a second, right?
I'm sorry, Arjun. But I didn't know how to...
Ya ya its okay! Good luck.
And he stormed out of the room. Ananya hadn't slept the whole night. He hadn't even asked when was she leaving nor did he stop her.
Today when he stood in front of her, she had no words. The jigsaw puzzle fit well and she felt like a dimwit.
If only I had spoken...
Ananya, you didn't even call when you left. I had come home with 20 long stemmed red and yellow carnations when I found the damn post-it on the fridge. Do you even realize what I felt that time? What made you a stone overnight? What made you just... go?
I... didn't... mean...
Ananya had absolutely no words coming to her mind.
Arjun went on.
One small assumption... And look at all this today!
It was painful, Arjun. Calling you and saying a bye was the second most difficult thing I would have to do after leaving you!
Ananya was almost screaming.
I couldn't have possibly said a 'bye'. One more look at your face and I would have changed my mind. I wanted you to be happy. That's all! I would never want to hurt you...
But look at it now! Aren't we hurt aren't we feeling lost aren't we closed? Cause of one stupid assumption...
Arjun continued to ramble.
Then why didn't you stop me? Why didn't you call!!! Why Arjun?
Cause I was fucking mad at you. What choice did you leave me with? No contact number nothing. You didn't even wait to say a bye no call nothing. One damn pink coloured post-it. What a fool I was, holding carnations to wish good luck to the girl I...
Arjun stopped midway not sure if he wanted to continue. He looked up to meet Ananya's eyes that were lost and hopeful.
Forget it! Doesn't matter!
Arjun regained his composure.
I'm sorry.
He meant every syllable of it. He knew what she did was wrong but she wasn't entirely wrong in assuming after what she saw.
Ananya stood there seeing his shoulders droop in defeat and the entire two hour conversation ran in her head. From yelling to this silence, every word rang through her mind. She still held her stand. I'm not wrong!
But suddenly it struck to her it wasn't the matter of right or wrong and that's exactly why Arjun said a sorry. Cause it just doesn't matter. Today, all of it is futile. He's back, standing in front of her.
Ananya walked up to him and gave him a tight hug with tears in her eyes.
I've missed you, you jackass! What took you so long? Idiot!
Ananya rambled more such abuses as she broke down and cried her heart out.
Arjun hugged her back holding her tightly, lightly kissing her head, tears welling up his eyes that he was trying to fight back.
I've missed you too sweetheart. Like crazy, nah even that can't describe it.
He held her close to his heart as she vented out, crying. He once again felt that warmth that he had missed for so many years. She still felt the same. Nothing had changed.
I swear on you god I'm never leaving this girl! Ever!! Thank you... Just for this moment... Thank you! Maybe not the right time to express what I want to say. Later!
Arjun said a silent prayer.
Little did he know not expressing his feelings for the third time was a mistake he would regret... Soon.
Hey! Where you off to?
Oh, hi! I'm going to Mumbai! Chief has a great challenging project for me there. And he has specially recommended me for it. So ya!
Ananya was trying to sound excited to hide the turmoil within her.
Wow! Congrats. How did the coffee date go?
Arjun enquired with absolute no emotion in his voice.
Hmmm... It was great! Felt nice actually. I'm happy am going to Mumbai... Will be able to spend more time with him too.
Ananya was a pathetic liar. She was busy packing her eyes fixed on the clothes on her bed and the suitcase. One eye contact and Arjun would know meeting Neerav was nothing but a farace.
Arjun replied disheartened.
Sunaina realized she was an unwanted in the room. She had quietly slipped away during their conversation.
So, when you coming back?
He asked casually.
Ananya's throat choked, the lump didn't let her speak, tears welled up, she looked up to meet Arjun's confused eyes
Never! I'm settling there. Back in Mumbai. I'm thinking about Neerav and me. I think we gave up too soon...
She rambled, muttered and sobbed.
Arjun was dumbstruck. He felt as tough the whole ceiling came crashing down. A sudden rage of anger rose within him. He clenched his fists to control every bit of it.
When were you supposed it tell me?
I got to know yesterday... Chief called... So...
Ya right! Phone call, message, ping, mail... You didn't have a second, right?
I'm sorry, Arjun. But I didn't know how to...
Ya ya its okay! Good luck.
And he stormed out of the room. Ananya hadn't slept the whole night. He hadn't even asked when was she leaving nor did he stop her.
Today when he stood in front of her, she had no words. The jigsaw puzzle fit well and she felt like a dimwit.
If only I had spoken...
Ananya, you didn't even call when you left. I had come home with 20 long stemmed red and yellow carnations when I found the damn post-it on the fridge. Do you even realize what I felt that time? What made you a stone overnight? What made you just... go?
I... didn't... mean...
Ananya had absolutely no words coming to her mind.
Arjun went on.
One small assumption... And look at all this today!
It was painful, Arjun. Calling you and saying a bye was the second most difficult thing I would have to do after leaving you!
Ananya was almost screaming.
I couldn't have possibly said a 'bye'. One more look at your face and I would have changed my mind. I wanted you to be happy. That's all! I would never want to hurt you...
But look at it now! Aren't we hurt aren't we feeling lost aren't we closed? Cause of one stupid assumption...
Arjun continued to ramble.
Then why didn't you stop me? Why didn't you call!!! Why Arjun?
Cause I was fucking mad at you. What choice did you leave me with? No contact number nothing. You didn't even wait to say a bye no call nothing. One damn pink coloured post-it. What a fool I was, holding carnations to wish good luck to the girl I...
Arjun stopped midway not sure if he wanted to continue. He looked up to meet Ananya's eyes that were lost and hopeful.
Forget it! Doesn't matter!
Arjun regained his composure.
I'm sorry.
He meant every syllable of it. He knew what she did was wrong but she wasn't entirely wrong in assuming after what she saw.
Ananya stood there seeing his shoulders droop in defeat and the entire two hour conversation ran in her head. From yelling to this silence, every word rang through her mind. She still held her stand. I'm not wrong!
But suddenly it struck to her it wasn't the matter of right or wrong and that's exactly why Arjun said a sorry. Cause it just doesn't matter. Today, all of it is futile. He's back, standing in front of her.
Ananya walked up to him and gave him a tight hug with tears in her eyes.
I've missed you, you jackass! What took you so long? Idiot!
Ananya rambled more such abuses as she broke down and cried her heart out.
Arjun hugged her back holding her tightly, lightly kissing her head, tears welling up his eyes that he was trying to fight back.
I've missed you too sweetheart. Like crazy, nah even that can't describe it.
He held her close to his heart as she vented out, crying. He once again felt that warmth that he had missed for so many years. She still felt the same. Nothing had changed.
I swear on you god I'm never leaving this girl! Ever!! Thank you... Just for this moment... Thank you! Maybe not the right time to express what I want to say. Later!
Arjun said a silent prayer.
Little did he know not expressing his feelings for the third time was a mistake he would regret... Soon.
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